Invited lectures & visiting researchers

The CRC/Transregio 150 is proud to be the host of lectures and seminars by renowned scientists in the field of turbulent, chemically reactive, multi-phase flows near walls. Within this program, the CRC/Transregio is also hosting experienced or young scientists for short research projects in the participating institutions. These projects usually result in a lecture within the seminar on near wall reactive flows. Also, the CRC/Transregio is promoting joint mentoring of PhD students of external institutions who would like to advance their skills on the relevant topics.

If you would like to give a talk on the topic of the CRC/Transregio or would like to be updated on upcoming lectures please contact .

Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
18.07.2024 Professor Bo Zhou Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), China Advanced Optical Diagnostics for Aerospace Propulsion and Energy Systems C06/Dreizler TU DA
01.07.2024 Prof. Evgeny Shafirovich Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso Combustion of Metal Powders for Power and Heat Generation in Space Missions C06/Dreizler TU DA
09.04.2024 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Banuti Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Thermal Energy Technology and Safety (ITES)
will be announced C06/Dreizler TU DA
22.03.2024 Prof. Daniele Marchisio Politecnico di Torino, Italy Machine learning for the simulation of flow and transport of porous media C03/Hasse TU DA
09.01.2024 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Brännström Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Sicherheitstechnik Forschung in der Branddynamik – Brandausbreitung und Vegetationsbränden C06/Dreizler TU DA
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope

12.12.2023 Prof. Nick Hutchins Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Determining roughness length for heterogeneous and multiscale rough-wall bounded turbulence B02/Frohnapfel KIT
06.12.2023 Ass. Prof. Mohsen Talei Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Melbourne, Australia
High-fidelity simulations of premixed combustion for cleaner energy systems C06/Dreizler TUDA
15.11.2023 Sofia Saoncella KTH Stockholm Experimental study on friction drag modification induced by Liquid-infused surface in a turbulent flow B02/Frohnapfel KIT
16.10.2023 Dr. Chang Liu University of Edinburgh (Institute for Digital Communications, School of Engineering) Laser tomography for reactive flow diagnosis A05/Wagner TUDA
17.08.2023 Prof. Dr. Isaac Boxx RWTH Aachen Enabling Hydrogen-enriched burner technology for gas turbines through advanced measurement and simulation C06/Dreizler TUDA
28.06.2023 Andrew MacFarlane University of Sydney, in cooperation with KAUST An improved understanding of mixing, pressure, and autoignition effects for a range of fuels issuing into the Inhomogeneous and Hot Vitiated Coflow burners.
C06/Dreizler TUDA
11.05.2023 Dr. Moritz Lehmann Universität Bayreuth Computational study of microplastic transport at the water-air interface with a memory-optimized lattice Boltzmann method B08/Marschall TUDA
17.02.2023 Carl Bauwens FM Global Developing a better understanding of hydrogen to improve models for explosion safety C06/Dreizler TUDA
17.02.2023 Dr. Detlev Markus PTB, Braunschweig
Chem. Physik u. Explosionsgefahr
Hydrogen: New safety requirements in a shift to a hydrogen economy? C06/Dreizler TUDA
16.02.2023 Prof. Albert Simeoni Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, USA Wildland Fire Behavior Research C06/Dreizler TUDA
25.01.2023 Silvia Ceccacci School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney (AU) Control of boundary-layer separation using surface roughness B02/Frohnapfel KIT
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
22.04.2022 Xiaoyu He PTB – Department 3.3: Physical Chemistry, Braunschweig, Gernmany Investigation on the oxidation of ammonia-based fuel blends at intermediate temperatures B07/Bykov KIT
21.06.2022 Dr. Mathias J. Krause Lattice Boltzmann Research Group, Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics, KIT Facing Challenges in Computational Fluid Mechanics with Lattice Boltzmann Methods and High-Performance Computers B08/Marschall TU DA
25.10.2022 Antonello Nappi Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department, ICE Group, Italy Modelling the liquid film evolution and spray wall interaction in SCR dosing units C05/Sadiki TU DA
26.10.2022 Dea Wangasiwaya Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, University of Southampton, UK Investigation of unsteady secondary flows and large-scale turbulence in heterogeneous turbulent boundary layers B02/Frohnapfel KIT
08.11.2022 Jonathan Frank Sandia National Laboratories, California, US Near-Surface Imaging of Multicomponent Gas Phase above a Catalyst Surface During Methanol Oxidation A04/Dreizler TU DA
16.11.2022 Dr. Alison Ferris Stanford University, Hanson Group, US Measurement of Laminar Burning Velocities at Engine-Relevant Temperatures: A Novel Approach A04/Dreizler TU DA
16.11.2022 Dr. Maurizio Carbone University of Bayreuth & Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen Inertial particles and the smallest scales of turbulence B02/Frohnapfel KIT
05.12.2022 Katharina Stichling Institute of Turbomachinery (ITS), KIT Coherent structures in film cooling B02/Frohnapfel KIT
14.12.2022 Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Höchst Institut für Kolbenmaschinen – KIT Die Bedeutung synthetischer Kraftstoffe für schnellen und sozial gerechten Klimaschutz im Verkehr C02/Kubach KIT
19.12.2022 Sylvain Marragou CNRS – IMFT, Toulouse, France Modeling of the stabilization regime of H2/air flames above a coaxial dual swirl injector A04/Dreizler TU DA
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
17.12.2021 Dr. Sangseung Lee KTH Stockholm Predicting drag on rough surfaces by transfer learning of empirical correlations B02/Frohnapfel KIT
03.12.2021 Dr. I. E. Gerasimov Laboratory of Kinetics of Combustion Processes, 
Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia
Combustion of a Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA) sphere: chemical kinetics for a 3D-simulation B07/Bykov KIT
04.11.2021 Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Bauer ANSYS Germany GmbH Otterfing / Germany Herausforderung und Perspektive kommerzieller CFD-Software in Fahrzeugantrieben C05/Sadiki TUDA
04.10.2021 Dr. Wilfried Edelbauer Dept. Advanced Simulation Technologies, AVL List GmbH, Austria CFD simulation of cavitation and liquid break-up phenomena with AVL FIRE C05/Sadiki TUDA
04.10.2021 Dr. Branislav Basara Dept. Advanced Simulation Technologies, AVL List GmbH, Austria The Prospect and Benefits of Using the Hybrid RANS-LES for Engine Flows C05/Sadiki TUDA
28.06.2021 Ass. Prof. Francesaco Creta Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineerng (DIMA),
University of Rome “ La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Role of Instrinsic Flame Instability in Turbulent Premixed Combustion Modeling C05/Sadiki TUDA
01.06.2021 Prof. Tommaso Lucchini and Prof. Augusto Della Torre Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Dynamic mesh handing in OpenFOAM B08/Marschall TUDA
07.05.2021 Patrick Zimmermann Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik und Umwelttechnik Technische Universität Graz, Österreich Simulation des flüssig-flüssig Stofftransports mit thermodynamisch konsistentem Ansatz B07/Bykov KIT
03.05.2021 Prof. Dr. Manfred Döring Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF,
Moderne Flammschutzformulierungen: Verwendung, Wirkungsweise, Trends A04/Dreizler TUDA
09.04.2021 Prof. Liming Cai Development Center for Automobility at Tongji University, China Highly-automated chemical model development for AI-designed e-fuels B07/Bykov KIT
01.04.2021 Dr. I.E. Gerasimov Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia Flame inhibition by organophosphorus compounds: experimental and numerical studies B07/Bykov KIT
29.03.2021 Prof. Fabrice Foucher Dept of Mechanical Technology
PRISME Laboratory
University of Orleans
26.02.2021 MSc. Joongoo Jeon Department of Nuclear Engineering
Hanyang University
Seoul, South Korea
Analysis and modeling of ultralean flames for hydrogen safety: using CFD and ML C05/Sadiki TUDA
22.01.2021 Prof. Dr. Florian Frank Department Mathematik,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Enforcing physical bounds in finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin phase-field simulations B02/Frohnapfel KIT
14.01.2021 Dr.-Ing. Cornelia Grabe DLR C2A2S2E Braunschweig Towards the Border of the Flight Envelope: Strategies to improve RANS Turbulence Models B02/Frohnapfel KIT
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
14.12.2020 Benedict Enderle DLR – Institut für Verbrennungstechnik, Stuttgart Uncertainty quantification in the simulation of turbulent spray combustion C05/Sadiki TUDA
02.11.2020 Prof. Zhuyin Ren Tsinghua University, Center for Combustion Energy, Beijing, China Transported PDF simulations of turbulent flames with uncertainty quantification B07/Bykov KIT
26.10.2020 Dr. Jacopo Serpieri Delft University of Technology,
The Netherlands
Boundary layer transition on swept wings B02/Frohnapfel KIT
14.09.2020 Dr. Davood Zeinali Université de Lorraine, CNRS, France Experiments versus LES observations of buoyant flames and fire growth over walls C05/Sadiki TUDA
27.07.2020 Prof. Ronan Vicquelin University Paris Saclay, France Modelling and simulations of turbulent combustion involving conjugate heat transfer and thermal radiation C05/Sadiki TUDA
06.07.2020 Prof. Epaminondas Mastorakos University of Cambridge, UK Lean blow-outof turbulent premixed flames C05/Sadiki TUDA
15.06.2020 Dr. Stelios Rigopoulos Imperial College London, UK Turbulent flows with participate formation: fundamentals, models and applications C05/Sadiki TUDA
17.02.2020 Prof. Mariano Sirignano University of Naples “Federico”, Italy Particles from alternative fuels: waste or new materials C05/Sadiki TUDA
10.02.2020 Alessandro Stagni, Ass. Professor (RTDA) Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Ammonia as a smart energy carrier: experimental and modelling challenges C03/Hasse TUDA
06.02.2020 Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Kaudewitz Volkswagen AG Innovative Kolbentechnologien B02/Frohnapfel KIT
03.02.2020 Dr.-Ing. Franziska Unger Frauenhofer-Chalmers Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden Applied Particle Simulations using DEM and DEM-CFP C05/Sadiki TUDA
16.01.2020 Alessandro Stagni, Ass. Professor (RTDA) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, University of Rostock Generation of Artificial Velocity and Scalar Fluctuations based on Divergence-Free Vortex Particles B02/Frohnapfel KIT
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
13.12.2019 Dr. Stylianos Varoutis Institute for Technical Physics (ITEP), KIT Deterministic and stochastic numerical methods in the field of Rarefied Gas Dynamics A06/Trimis KIT
28.11.2019 Prof. Dr. Jennifer Niessner Faculty of Technical Processes Heilbronn, University of Applied Sciences Multi-scale modeling and simulation of liquid aerosol transport and
two-phase flow in fibrous porous media
B02/Frohnapfel KIT
18.11.2019 Prof. Johannes Kiefer Technische Thermodynamik
Universität Bremen
Optical spectroscopy in combustion research: from fuel analysis to flame diagnostics A04/Dreizler TUDA

Markus Geiser, Ph.D.
Managing Director
IRsweep AG
Stäfa, Switzerland
Microsecond-resolved multi-species combustion diagnostics with mid-IR frequency combs A05/Wagner TUDA

Ass. Prof. Aravind Vaidyanathan Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), India Exploring elliptical and circular liquid jets at sub to supercritical conditions in multicomponent and single component systems C05/Sadiki TUDA
18.10.2019 Prof. Dr. Canan Karakaya Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA Catalytic gas-to-liquid technologies: Detailed chemical kinetics as a tool for process intensification B05/Deutschmann KIT
12.09.2019 Prof. Dr. W. Kollmann University of California, Davis , USA Direkte numerische Simulationen von Strömungsvorgängen in Ventilsystemen generischer Kolbenmotorenkonfigurationen A04/Dreizler TUDA
02.09.2019 Prof. Dr. Andreas Bräuer Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg / ITUN The exploitation of hydrogen bonding Raman spectroscopy in process technology A04/Dreizler C03/Hasse TUDA
16.08.2019 Wendy Flores-Brito Sandia Nat. Labs, NM Thermographic Phosphors: Aerosol Deposition and Emissivity A04/Dreizler TUDA
13.08.2019 Charlotte Whelan School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, UK Kinetics of OH Radical Reactions with Furan and its Alkylated Derivatives B04/Olzmann KIT
12.08.2019 Federica Romoli University of Bologna, Italy On the Momentum Exchanges in Wind-Wave turbulent Flows B02/Frohnapfel KIT
12.08.2019 Ass.Prof. Ashoke De Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India Transported PDF method for investigating MILD combustion/JHC flames C05/Sadiki TUDA
23.07.2019 Dr.-Ing. Georg Pesch Universität Bremen NMR Methods in Reaction Engineering: Measuring Temperature and Species Distribution during Heterogeneously Catalyzed Gas-Phase Reactions B05/Deutschmann KIT
22.07.2019 Dr. -Ing. Amirfarhang Mehdizadeh University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA Modelling of Turbulent Heat Transfer in different turbulent environments C05/Sadiki TUDA
27.06.2019 Tobias Stark TU Dresden The exploitation of hydrogen bonding Raman spectroscopy in process technology B02/Frohnapfel KIT
13.06.2019 Prof. T. Lucchini Politecnica di Milano / Italy Fuel air mixing and combustion modeling in IC engines using the OpenFOAM technology C03/Hasse TUDA
27.05.2019 Prof. Dr. Michael Pfitzner Universität der Bundeswehr München Large-Eddy Simulations of inert and reacting transcritical real gas flows C05/Sadiki TUDA

20.05.2019 Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. (habil) Markus Klein Universität der Bundeswehr München Towards LES of two phase flow with moving boundaries C05/Sadiki TUDA
10.05.2019 Dr. Xinyu Zhao Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Connecticut, US En route to predictive modeling of turbulent combustion: models, experiments, and their interplay C03/Hasse TUDA
07.05.2019 Frank Schäfer MiRO Mineralölraffinerie Oberrhein Herstellung von Kraftstoffen, Energieeffizienz und Einsatz erneuerbarer Energieträger C02/Kubach/Koch KIT
21.03.2019 Dr. Yukinori Kametani Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo Adjoint-based shape optimization of heat transfer surfaces in turbulent flow B02/Frohnapfel KIT
14.03.2019 Prof. Ellen Longmire University of Minnesota Contact effects in liquid/liquid flows A04/Dreizler TUDA
12.03.2019 Prof. Kyle Daun University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Time-resolved laser-induced incandescence on synthetic nanoparticles: fundamental insights A04/Dreizler TUDA
07.02.2019 Dr. Oscar Flores Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Numerical simulation of cardiac flows: blood stasis in the left atrium B02/Frohnapfel KIT
24.01.2019 Dr. Mirco Magnini Magnini Imperial College London, UK From numerical “experiments” to theoretical modelling of boiling flows
in confined geometries
B02/Frohnapfel KIT
21.01.2019 Prof. Dr. Thomas Seeger Universität Siegen, Siegen Vibrations-CARS Temperaturmessungen an einem industrienahen Oxyfuel-Hochtemperaturprüfstand C05/Sadiki TUDA
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
13.12.2018 Dr. Stefan Kerkemeier Argonne National Laboratory Lemont, IL, USA Introduction to Nek5000 B02/Frohnapfel KIT
03.12.2018 Frau Prof. Dr. Khadijeh Mohri Universität Duisburg-Essen Tomography in Energy and Process Technology C01/Böhm TUDA
29.11.2018 Dr. A. Hanuschkin Daimler / Stuttgart Predicting Combustion Engine Performance Based on In-Cylinder Flow Field Measurement C01/Böhm TUDA
19.11.2018 Frau Prof. Yihui Zhou Dalian University of Technologie, Dalian, China Flame Macrostructure instability and extinction strain close to blow-out A04/Dreizler TUDA
19.11.2018 Frau Dr. Liao Institute of Fluid Dynamics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf Population Balance Modelling for Bubbly Flows C05/Sadiki TUDA
15.11.2018 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rung Technische Universität Hamburg Fluiddynamische Optimierung mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen B02/Frohnapfel KIT
25.10.2018 Dr. R. S. Barlow Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, USA Insights on Highly-Turbulent Premixed Flames and Raman Diagnostics for Gas-Liquid interfaces A04/Dreizler TUDA
22.10.2018 Ass. Prof. Amir Najafi College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran Hydraulic Turbomachinery; Complex Flow Fields Simulation and Applications B02/Frohnapfel KIT
19.10.2018 Dr. Brian Peterson Mechanical Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK Motored Engine – Sensitivity study C01/Böhm TUDA
18.10.2018 Prof. Simone Hochgreb University of Cambridge, UK Recent Results on Optical (and other) Diagnostic in Reacting Flows A04/Dreizler TUDA
25.09.2018 Prof. C.S. Goldenstein School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA Wavelength-modulation spectroscopy for MHz thermometry and H2O sensing in combustion gases A05/Wagner TUDA
24.09.2018 Dr. Xu Wen State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,
Zhejiang University, PR China
Flamelet tabulation methods for pulverized coal combustion and partially premixed combustion C05/Sadiki/Hasse TUDA
17.09.2018 Prof. Dr. A. Agrawal Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, USA Transient Fuel-Air Mixing in High-Pressure Diesel Sprays A04/Dreizler TUDA
03.09.2018 Ivan Cornejo Garcia University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada Turbulent and Transitional Flows in Catalytic Systems: Monolith and Gauze Reactors C05/Sadiki TUDA
09.07.2018 Dr.-Ing. Amirfarhang
School of Computing and Engineering, University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA On advanced Near-Wall Modelling for LES  in wall-bounded flows including Heat Transfer processes C05/Sadiki TUDA


Prof. Michael P. Harold

Chair of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston, USA

“Reaction engineering of catalytic converters for lean burn vehicles: tailored catalyst architectures and operational strategies for enhanced perfomance”


Prof. Dr. W. Kollmann
University of California, Davis , USA Direkte numerische Simulationen von Strömungsvorgängen in Ventilsystemen generischer Kolbenmotorenkonfigurationen


15.01.2018 Frau von Koerber Engineering Technical Information processing, Simulation Fluids
Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart
Towards a methodology to derive FIE-Requirements of Diesel Engines from numerical
simulations of the full cause-and-effect chain
A04/Dreizler TUDA
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
18.12.2017 Dr. Ramis Örlü KTH Stockholm, Schweden Diagnostics of well-behaved turbulent boundary layers B02/Magagnato TRR150
08.12.2017 Prof. Daniele Marchisio Institute of Chemical Engineering,
Politecnico di Torino,
Simulation of polydisperse multiphase flows with multi-scale strategies: from atomistic to continuum modelling C05/Sadiki TRR150
25.10.2017 Dr. Robert Barlow Combustion Research Facility
Sandia National Laboratories
Livermore – USA
Structure of Partially Premixed Flames A04/Dreizler TRR150
23.10.2017 Dr. Yuting Zhang Harbin Engineering University Heat transfer on Turbine Blades B02/Magagnato TRR150
26.09.2017 Dr. Jonathan Frank Combustion Research Facility
Sandia National Laboratories
Livermore – USA
Recent Developments in Laser Imaging Diagnostics for Studying Turbulence-Flame Interactions A04/Dreizler TRR150/TRR129
25.09.2017 Dr. Yoshinaka Takeda National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan Combustion Chamber Deposit Formation C02 Kubach, Koch SFB/TRR 150
04.09.2017 Dr.-Ing. Fernando Sacomano Department of Mechanical Engineering (PME),
Polytechnic School at the University of São Paulo (Poli-USP)
On the interaction between turbulence and ethanol spray combustion
using a dynamic wrinkling model coupled with tabulated chemistry
C05 Sadiki/Janicka TRR150
13.06.2017 Dipl.-Ing. Felix Dietzsch Research Associates
Chair of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
IEC – Department of Energy Process Engineering
and Chemical Engineering
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Statistical and on-the-fly analysis of flamelet structures in a turbulent non-premixed jet flame C3/Janicka TRR150
13.06.2017 Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Popp Research Associates
Chair of Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
IEC – Department of Energy Process Engineering
and Chemical Engineering
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Combustion modeling using tabulated chemistry: from a priori analysis of experimental data towards LES C3/Janicka TRR150
12.06.2017 Prof. Benoît Fiorina CentraleSuperlec
EM2C laboratory CNRS (UPR 288):
Energétique Moléculaire et Macroscopique, Combustion)
Paris, France
Modeling Combustion Chemistry in Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flames C3/Janicka TRR150
31.05.2017 Michele Vascellari, Ph.D. Research Associate
Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics (NTFD)
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
IEC – Department of Energy Process Engineering
and Chemical Engineering, Freiberg
Numerical modelling of coal combustion and gasification using detailed kinetics and flamelet/progress variable approach C3/Janicka TRR150
30.05.2017 Prof. Dr. Thomas Garbe Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg Kraftstoffe der Zukunft C02 Kubach, Koch SFB/TRR 150
03.05.2017 Sandra Hartl Numerical Thermo-Fluid Dynamics (NTFD)
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Regime identification from Raman/Rayleigh line measurements in partally premixed flames A04/Dreizler TUDA
15.03.2017 Dr. Magnus Sjöberg Sandia National Laboratories, USA Combined Effect of Intake Flow and Spark-Plug Location on Flame Development, Combustion Stability and End-gas Autoignition for Lean SI Engine Operation Using E30 Fuel C01/Böhm TRR150
06.03.2017 Dr. Lars Zigan LTT Erlangen Multi-Parameter-Untersuchungen der motorischen Gemischbildung unter Einsatz der laserinduzierten Fluoreszenz C01/ Böhm TRR150
08.02.2017 Rodney O. Fox Iowa State University Eulerian Models for Disperse Multiphase Flows C04/Deutschmann TRR150
03.02.2017 Prof. Dr. Alexandre Goguet School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Queen’s University, Belfast, Nothern Ireland In-situ spatially resolved Techniques for the Investigation of packed bed catalytic Reactors: Current Status and Future Outlook A03/Suntz TRR150
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
Pietro Zunino
University of Genova, Italien
Measurements on Turbine blades
TRR 150
30.11.2016 Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Jemcov Associate Director for Computational Sciences,
Turbomachinery Laboratory,
University of Notre Dame, IN, USA
Towards a Rational Modeling of the Internal Flows in Turbomachinery Applications C05/Sadiki TRR150
21.11.2016 Dr. Vladimir Gubernov P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
Analysis of combustion wave propagation in solid composite fuel with different geometrical structure​ C02/Magagnato TRR150
21.11.2016 Dr. Vladimir Gubernov P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
Unsteady combustion phenomena B07/Bykov&Maas TRR 150
14.11.2016 M.Sc. Gherardo Zambonini École Centrale de Lyon, LMFA, Lyon Study of corner separation dynamics in a linear compressor cascade B02/Frohnapfel TRR150
18.10.2016 Professor Vladimir Gol’dshtein Ben – Gurion University of the Negev Model Reduction, Singular Perturbed Profiles B07/Bykov&Maas TRR 150 / FOR 1993 / GIF 1162
Ass. Prof.
Yigang Luan
Harbin Engineering University, China
Shock tube calculations
TRR 150
30.06.2016 Associate. Prof. Yosuke Hasegawa Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo Japan Shape and topology optimization of complex fluid-solid interfaces for
higher heat transfer rate and lower pressure penalty
B02/Frohnapfel TRR150
13.06.2016 Prof. Juji Suzuki Universität Tokyo Turbulent, chemically reactive, multi-phase flows near walls A03/Suntz TRR150
30.05.2016 Prof. Dr. Thomas Garbe

Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg Kraftstoffe der Zukunft

C02 Kubach, Koch


17.05.2016 Prof. Galen Fisher University of Michigan, USA Rapidly Pulsed Reductants for Diesel NOx Reduction with Lean NOx Traps C04/Deutschmann TRR150/Abgaszentrum KIT
10.-13.05.2016 James G. Brasseur Research Professor,
Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences,
University of Colorado, USA.
25.04.2016 Dipl.-Ing. Hagen Müller Institut für Thermodynamik, Wärme- und Stoffübertragung,
Fakultät Luft- und Raumfahrt, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Simulating turbulent mixing and combustion at supercritical pressures C01/Böhm TRR150
18.03.2016 Dr. Vladimir Gubernov P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences
Numerical Analysis of Premixed Flame Oscillations near the Surface of the Spherical Burner​ B07/Bykov TRR150
24.02.2016 Dr. Christian Angelberger IFP Energies nouvelles,
Dept of Automotive Engineering
Applying LES to study cyclic variablity and knock in downsized SI engines C05/Sadiki TRR150
17.02.2016 Prof. Eduard Berrocal Division of Combustion Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden From 3-Phase to 1-Phase SLIPI: Advantages and drawbacks C01/Böhm TRR150
08.02.2016 Dr. Bénédicte Cuenot CERFACS-CFD/Combustion,
Toulouse, France
Including multi-physics aspects in Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent combustion C03/Janicka TRR150
01.02.2016 Bauke Heeg, Ph.D. Lumium optical precision measurement solutions, The Netherlands Accuracy (including precision) of phosphor thermometry measurements – from single point to imaging C01/Böhm TRR150


Dr. Luc-Sy Tran

Universität Bielefeld
Oxidation of Furanic Biofuels

25.01.2016 Dr. Christina Vanderwel University of Southampton, Engineering and the Environment,
United Kingdom
Momentum and scalar transport in turbulent shear flows B02/Frohnapfel TRR150
18.01.2016 Dr. Ruud L.G.M. Eggels Combustion Methods, ES-2 Combustion & Turbines Subsystem, Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG. On near wall combustor numerical modeling and simulations: RR Achievements and Challenges A04/Dreizler TRR150
Date Guest scientist Institute Topic Invited by Scope
11.12.2015 Wooyeong Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Südkorea Basisuntersuchung zur Reaktivität der Coronazündung C02 Kubach, Koch SFB/TRR 150
07.12.2015 Prof. Pavlos Aleiferis UCL Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Sciences,
Section of Thermofluids, University College London, UK
Mixture Formation and Combustion in Direct-Injection
Spark-Ignition Engines with Alcohol Fuels: Experiments and Modelling
C01/Böhm TRR150
01.12.2015 Roger Deckers Deckers Mobility Consulting, Maastricht, NL Entwicklungstrends bei Verbrennungsmotoren: Herausforderungen innovativer Verbrennungskonzepte, unterstützt durch neue CFD-Modelle C02 Kubach, Koch SFB/TRR 150
30.11.2015 Prof. Paul Seakins University of Leeds, UK The role of chemical activation in combustion and atmospheric chemistry B04/Olzmann IPC/TRR 150
30.11.2015 Dr. Pascale Domingo Directrice de recherche CNRS, INSA-Rouen, France Detailed chemistry integration in LES of turbulent combustion. C03/Janicka TRR150
20.11.2015 Prof. Guillaume Ribert CORIA and INSA de Rouen, France Modelling and simulation of supercritical fluids. A02/Tropea TRR 75/TRR 150
26.10.2015 Dr. -Ing. A. Mehdizadeh DFG Research Fellow,
Penn State University, USA
Modification of LES for complex wall-bounded flows using non-equilibrium considerations C03/Janicka TRR150
14.10.2015 Prof. Robert Barlow Combustion Research Facility
Sandia National Laboratories
Livermore, CA
Multi-mode Combustion in Turbulent Partially-Premixed Jet Flames A04/Dreizler TRR150
23.09.2015 Antoine Renaud, M.Sc. Laboratoire EM2C
CentraleSupelec/Ecole Centrale Paris,
CNRS, France
High speed diagnostics for the study of flame stabilization and
transient behaviour in a turbulent liquid fuel burner
C05/Sadiki TRR150
17.07.2015 Prof. Dr. Abhaya K. Datye Chair of Chemical & Biological Engineering and Distinguished Regents Professor, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Pt-Pd Diesel Oxidation Catalysts: Unraveling how Pd modifies the Stability and catalytic Reactivity A03/Suntz TRR150
10.07.2015 Sebastian Peukert Universität Warschau Supersonic Jet Spectroscopy Study of 1,4- and 1,8-Diazatriphenylene and its Hydrogen Bonded Complexes C04/Deutschmann TRR150
03.07.2015 Dr. Sangkaew Complexe de Recherche Interprofessionel en Aérothermochimie der Universität Rouen Vortrag über ihre Arbeit im Bereich des Fourier Interferometric Imaging halten A02/Tropea TRR 75
15.06.2015 Prof. Bob Kee Colorado School of Mines Modeling framework for high-pressure and supercritical chemically reacting flow C04/Deutschmann TRR 150/FOR1991
01.06.2015 Prof. Aamir Farooq KAUST (King Abdulla University), Saudi Arabia Sensitive diagnostics for reaction kinetics A04/Dreizler TRR150
12.05.2015 Matthias Blankmeister Federal Mogul Ignition GmbH, Stuttgart Optimierung der Zündung für magere Gemische in Gasmotoren C02 Kubach, Koch SFB/TRR 150
17.04.2015 Prof. Dr. Keith Hohn Kansas State University, USA Bifunctional Catalysts for Conversion of 2,3-Butanediol to Butene A03/Suntz TRR150
17.04.2015 Prof Ellen Longmire University of Minnesota
Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
Seminar on: Drop Motion through an Orifice in a Liquid/Liquid System A02/Tropea TRR 150/TRR 75
30.03.2015 Prof. Don Bergstrom University of Saskatchewan Flows over finite cylinders: a surprisingly complex wake structure B02/Jackirlic Sabatical
24.03.2015 Professor Sanjeev Chandra University of Toronto Spray formed metal foam heat exchangers for heat recovery A02/Tropea TRR 150/TRR 75