2nd International Workshop on Near-Wall Reactive Flows
The workshop was organised by the
Collaborative Research Centre/ Transregio 150
associates scientists of TU Darmstadt and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
It had been held at Conference Welcome Hotel
in Darmstadt, Germany
on June, 1st and 2nd 2017
Conference Overview & Topics
The workshop provided an opportunity for researchers, professionals and interested workers to present the current state of the art, discuss new challenges and developments, and exchange ideas in the field of near-wall reactive flows. Lectures were given by prominent researchers from around the world, and a poster session gave participants the opportunity to present their latest results. In this respect, the workshop also provided an excellent environment to develop and foster new collaborations in this field.
The scientific program included both theoretical and experimental works and simulations related to various scientific and industrial fields with a particular focus on different research areas of the research center, see , such as: SFB/TRR 150
- Measurement Techniques and Diagnostics
- Flame-Wall Interaction Modelling and Simulations
- Fuel Spray-Wall Interaction, Film evaporation and Deposition
- Exhaust after-treatment systems in automotive technology
- IC engine flow and Heat transfer process
- Various Applications