Key facts of the event
From 6–10 June 2016 the International Combustion Institute Summer School on Near-Wall Reactive Flows was hosted by the CRC/Transregio 150 in Bensheim, Germany. 96 international PhD-students from 23 nations attended the school. In total, 14 scientific lectures were given by speakers from ten different institutions, with topics clustered in
- Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction
- Chemical Kinetics under low temperature conditions
- Near-Wall Reactive Flow Diagnostics
- Heat-Transfer and Turbulent Multiphase-Flows
- Near-Wall Reactive Flow Applications (Industrial Talks)
Within three poster sessions, 64 students took the opportunity to present their scientific work. The school included a guided tour through the heat transfer and combustion labs of the TU Darmstadt. During a joint barbecue dinner, the frequent coffee breaks and the overall open atmosphere the students had the oppor-tunity to get into closer contact with the lecturers and other students.
List of lecturers and affiliations
Prof. Deutschmann |
Karlsruhe Institut of Technology, Germany |
Heterogeneous chemical kinetics |
Prof. Faravelli |
Politecnico di Milano, Italy |
The pathologies of the low temperature hy-drocarbon oxidation mechanism |
Dr. Selle |
Institute of fluid Mechanics of Toulouse, France |
Fundamentals of flame-wall interaction and some recent results |
Prof. Dreizler |
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany |
Flame-wall interactions – flow and scalar field measurements using laser diagnostics |
Prof. Bellenou |
University of Poitiers, France |
Unsteady flame quenching and heat transfer diagnostics in combustion chambers |
Dr. Gruber |
SINTEF Energy Research, Norway |
Gaining insight on flame-wall interaction pro-cesses using direct numerical simulation |
Prof. Tropea |
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany |
Drop and spray impact on wetted walls |
Prof. Sick |
University of Michigan, USA |
Optical diagnostics at interfaces in internal combustion engines |
Prof. Mantzarras |
Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland |
Heterogeneous and homogeneous combustion – numerical simulation and model validation with in situ measurements |
Prof. Pfitzner |
Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany |
Modelling of wall quenching effects in RANS and LES simulations of near-wall reacting flows |
Prof. Stephan |
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany |
Heat and mass transfer near moving contact lines on superheated walls |
Dr. Eggels |
Rolls Royce Germany |
Modelling combustion walls in gas turbine combustors |
Dr. Leick |
Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany |
Near-Wall-Effects in Fuel Injection: An over-view of engineering targets, spray-wall inter-action mechanisms and measurement tech-niques |