ICISS on Near-Wall Reactive Flows
6–10 June 2016 in Bensheim, Germany

From 6–10 June 2016 the International Combustion Institute Summer School on Near-Wall Reactive Flows was hosted by the CRC/Transregio 150 in Bensheim, Germany.

Key facts of the event

96 international PhD-students from 23 nations attended the school. In total, 14 scientific lectures were given by speakers from ten different institutions, with topics clustered in

  • Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction
  • Chemical Kinetics under low temperature conditions
  • Near-Wall Reactive Flow Diagnostics
  • Heat-Transfer and Turbulent Multiphase-Flows
  • Near-Wall Reactive Flow Applications (Industrial Talks)

Within three poster sessions, 64 students took the opportunity to present their scientific work. The school included a guided tour through the heat transfer and combustion labs of the TU Darmstadt. During a joint barbecue dinner, the frequent coffee breaks and the overall open atmosphere the students had the oppor-tunity to get into closer contact with the lecturers and other students.

List of lecturers and affiliations

Prof. Deutschmann Karlsruhe Institut of Technology,
Heterogeneous chemical kinetics
Prof. Faravelli Politecnico di Milano,
The pathologies of the low temperature hy-drocarbon oxidation mechanism
Dr. Selle Institute of fluid Mechanics of Toulouse,
Fundamentals of flame-wall interaction and some recent results
Prof. Dreizler Technische Universität Darmstadt,
Flame-wall interactions – flow and scalar field measurements using laser diagnostics
Prof. Bellenou University of Poitiers,
Unsteady flame quenching and heat transfer diagnostics in combustion chambers
Dr. Gruber SINTEF Energy Research,
Gaining insight on flame-wall interaction pro-cesses using direct numerical simulation
Prof. Tropea Technische Universität Darmstadt,
Drop and spray impact on wetted walls
Prof. Sick University of Michigan,
Optical diagnostics at interfaces in internal combustion engines
Prof. Mantzarras Paul Scherrer Institute,
Heterogeneous and homogeneous combustion – numerical simulation and model validation with in situ measurements
Prof. Pfitzner Bundeswehr University Munich,
Modelling of wall quenching effects in RANS and LES simulations of near-wall reacting flows
Prof. Stephan Technische Universität Darmstadt,
Heat and mass transfer near moving contact lines on superheated walls
Dr. Eggels Rolls Royce
Modelling combustion walls in gas turbine combustors
Dr. Leick Robert Bosch GmbH,
Near-Wall-Effects in Fuel Injection: An over-view of engineering targets, spray-wall inter-action mechanisms and measurement tech-niques

Event Photos