Near-Wall Reactive Flows
International Combustion Institute Summer School

For the third time, the Collaborative Research Center TRR150 at TU Darmstadt organized a Summer School in cooperation with the Combustion Institute.

Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Andreas Dreizler, more than 80 participants from over 15 nations took part in this event. The programme included lectures from 11 internationally renowned scientists on topics such as

  • chemical kinetics and reduction strategies, including flame retardants
  • modelling and simulation of combustion processes and fires constrained by walls
  • turbulent near-wall flows
  • near-wall reactive flow diagnostics and applications

Special attention was paid to the exchange of ideas. During three poster sessions and poster pitches, and a mentoring program, the participants had plenty of time for discussions and networking.

The lab tour to the Combustion and Heat-Transfer Laboratories of TU Darmstadt provided an interesting and practical context to the lectures. The tour was completed with a pleasant get-together in the TU beer garden.

Course description and aims

Advances in various engineering and process applications necessitate better understanding of underlying near-wall and surface phenomena. Combustion, engine heat transfer and wall cooling, high-temperature material synthesis and processing, and chemical process technology (chemical vapor deposition and infiltration, catalytic processes, etc.) are just a few examples. Processes, such as flame-wall interaction, pyrolysis and fire suppression by flame retardants, surface reactions and their coupling with nearby chemically reactive flows, film and deposit formation, are challenges that are addressed in ongoing research efforts.

The ICISS-Summer School in cooperation with TU Darmstadt, KIT, SINTEF is intended to report on the status and perspective of experimental, theoretical, and numerical techniques for understanding, describing, and designing near-wall reactive flows in diverse scientific and engineering fields. It aims furthermore at providing an opportunity for researchers and interested workers to present the state of the art, discuss new challenges and developments, and exchange ideas in the areas of near-wall reactive flows.

Organizing Committee

Day 1: Monday, June 10, 2024
08:00 Individual arrival at Hotel, Darmstadt
09:30 Welcome and Introduction
(Andreas Dreizler, Olaf Deutschmann)
10:00 Kinetics of Elementary Combustion Reactions
(Matthias Olzmann)
12:00–13:00 Lunch
13:00 Kinetic Mechanisms: Development, Validation and Reduction
(Alessandro Stagni)
15:00–15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Fire Behaviour and Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials
(Bernhard Schartel)
18:00 Joint Welcome Dinner at Hotel
19:30–21:00 Poster Pitches and Poster Session I,
Mentorship Component
Day 2: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
07:30–8:30 Breakfast
08:30 Gaining Detailed Insights on Flame-Wall Interaction Processes Using Direct Numerical Simulation
(Andrea Gruber)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Combustion Models for Near-Wall Reactive Flows (Arne Scholtissek)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Combustion and Conjugate Heat Exchange in Porous Media
(Matthias Ihme)
15:00 Coffee Break
16:00 Poster Pitches and Poster session II,
Mentorship Component
18:00 Joint Dinner
19:00 Poster Pitches and Poster session III,
Mentorship Component
Day 3: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
7:30–8:30 Breakfast
08:30 Large Eddy Simulations of Near-Wall Turbulent Reacting Flows
(Federica Ferraro)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Differences between Steady and Unsteady Flame-Wall Interactions and their Role on Heat Transfer
(Brian Peterson)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Exploring Near-Wall Flows in Technical Combustion Applications using Optical Diagnostics (Benjamin Böhm)
15:00 Tour to the Combustion and Heat-Transfer Laboratories of TU Darmstadt
18:00 Social Event (incl. Dinner) at TU Darmstadt, near the Labs
Day 4: Thursday, June 13, 2024
7:30–8:30 Breakfast
08:30 Heterogeneous Catalysis in Emission Control: Multiphase Flow and Reaction Kinetics
(Marion Börnhorst)
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Efficient Design of Catalytic Reactors: Reactive Flow Simulations and Physics-informed Machine Learning
(Martin Votsmeier)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 End of Summer School, Individual Departure
Active involvement of the participants:
  • Poster Pitches
  • Poster Sessions
  • Discussions
  • Mentorship Components
  • Networking
Speaker (in alphabetical order) Title of talk
Benjamin Böhm (TU Darmstadt, Germany) Exploring Near-Wall Flows in Technical Combustion Applications using Optical Diagnostics
Marion Börnhorst (TU Dortmund, Germany) Heterogeneous Catalysis in Emission Control: Multiphase Flow and Reaction Kinetics
Federica Ferraro (TU Braunschweig, Germany) Large Eddy Simulations of Near-Wall Turbulent Reacting Flows
Andrea Gruber (SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway) Gaining Detailed Insights on Flame-Wall Interaction Processes Using Direct Numerical Simulation
Matthias Ihme (Stanford University, USA) Combustion and Conjugate Heat Exchange in Porous Media
Matthias Olzmann (KIT Karlsruhe, Germany) Kinetics of Elementary Combustion Reactions
Brian Peterson (The University of Edinburgh, Scotland) Differences between Steady and Unsteady Flame-Wall Interactions and their Role on Heat Transfer
Bernhard Schartel (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung, Berlin, Germany) Fire Behavior and Flame Retardancy of Polymeric Materials
Arne Scholtissek (TU Darmstadt, Germany) Combustion Models for Near-Wall Reactive Flows
Alessandro Stagni (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Kinetic Mechanisms: Development, Validation and Reduction
Martin Votsmeier (Umicore, TU Darmstadt, Germany) Efficient Design of Catalytic Reactors: Reactive Flow Simulations and Physics-informed Machine Learning
slides and records can be found here