International Workshop on “Clean Combustion: Principles and Applications” 2019
Organized in the framework of the DFG Collaborative Research Centres Turbulent, Chemically Reacting Multiphase Flows Near Walls () and Oxyflame (SFB/Transregio 129), on the occasion of his retirement this International Workshop was dedicated to Professor Johannes Janicka to honour and celebrate his fundamental, long lasting contributions to Turbulent Combustion Sciences and Modelling. SFB/Transregio 150
It had been held at Conference Welcome Hotel in Darmstadt, Germany
from September, 25th to 26th 2019
Rudolf Günther award for Prof. Johannes Janicka
During the workshop, Prof. Janicka was awarded the prize.
Conference Overview & Topics
Focusing on bridging the gap between combustion principles and applications, the workshop aims at bringing together leading and worldwide recognized researchers to give talks and present posters at the cutting edge of combustion science and technology, to foster research, exchange and collaboration.
Pillars of the scientific programme had been invited keynote lectures given by renowned international speakers and a poster session. The programme provided opportunity for researchers and specialists from academia and industry to present their most recent results, discuss new challenges and developments, and exchange ideas. Topics covered included both theoretical, experimental and numerical studies related to various scientific and industrial fields with a particular focus on research areas covered by the Collaborative Research Centres, such as:
- Measurement techniques and diagnostics
- Flame-wall interaction modelling and simulations
- Oxyfuel and solid fuel combustion
- Fuel spray-wall interaction, film evaporation and deposition
- Exhaust after-treatment systems in automotive technology
- IC engine flow and heat transfer process
- Various Applications